Sunday, January 3, 2016

Top 5 | Resolutions 2016

Hi you guys!!!

I feel awful for such a long hiatus. The holidays snuck up on me, bringing with them a whirlwind of friends, family, travel, (much needed) sleep and, of course, a healthy dose of partying. But new year, new me, new blog...promise!

I've been known to make quite a few aggressive goals/resolutions in the past. 2016 is no different. However, this time, I'm breaking the year into mini steps, taking a moment at the beginning of each month to reflect on what's important to me.

Click the link to see the 5 key questions I asked myself on January 1:

1. What do I value most right now?

2. What did I want to do last year, that never fully came to fruition?

3. What is already planned for this month?

4. What scares me a little?

5. What kind of person would I like to be?

Answering these questions, and vetting any goals and resolutions using the responses, has helped me fine tune my list of January goals. What started as 20 monstrous and disparate ideas has now been funneled to 5 bold, measurable and specific goals that truly excite me!

What resolutions or goals have you set for yourself in this new year?

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