Friday, May 13, 2016

Hiiii Ate us

I'm back from a couple months hiatus, and I'm incredibly excited to be writing this in my 'flat' in London!

Many apologies for the lapse! Moving countries, leaving a job, packing up, unpacking, packing up, unpacking, and getting settled are the things that have kept me from you. I've had 'write a blog post' on my to do list for the past 5 weeks and it's taken me that  long to sit down and focus - I've been distracted, to say the least.

Anywho! The move has gone smoothly, we've braved the rain, hail and even snow over the past few weeks in order to reach this beautiful London summer weather. Yesterday was shorts and Tshirt weather, last weekend I got a sunburn in the park, a couple nights in a row our room was too hot to sleep in and we have no air conditioning. I'm loving every moment of it!

There are a number of things I want to share with you about London but, since pictures are worth a thousand words, I will share some of my photos. More detailed stories to follow!

 I love the glass and brick on this random building in my neighborhood

 Quintessential British pic, tophat and all

Same day as the phone booth pic. Henry and I braved the crowds near Westminster and had a tourist-y Saturday 

 This is the bird watcher's cottage in a park near Big Ben

The day was so hot, and this diligent guard was suited up to the max, sitting silently and straight-faced atop this horse. There was a crowd of people waiting to take selfies. It was odd.

This graffiti is on the South Bank near Waterloo Bridge.

 Stumbled upon an outdoor flower market and lost my mind. Can I move in?!

Shot of Big Ben from the South Bank 

 This is a very old wall, and I think it's called something like Rose Glass Window (?)

Borough Market

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