Saturday, October 1, 2016

Weekend Musings | Autumn Feels

Hi there!

It's October 1, and starting to officially feel like autumn in London. Leaves are on the ground, evenings and mornings are cool. I have yet to smell that warm, fire-y smoke from chimneys yet, but perhaps Londoners burn less fires than Torontonians? There was that big fire, after all...

I'm back from a bunch of traveling, fun and festivities with friends, and can't wait to share them with you! This season is the start of something wonderful, and the recent new moon has me feeling all sorts of good vibes.On the topic of fresh starts, a haircut last weekend has me feeling brand new. I'll admit, it took me the full week to get used to it, haircuts are so weird like that, huh? But now I love it!

There's also been a lingering cold in my body for the last week (another sure sign that autumn is upon us!) and I'm taking it very easy this weekend. I've recently become addicted to Dinner Date, after hearing about it from our trivia presenter last week where we failed horribly despite our unfailing confidence. That is on my agenda for the evening, the perfect combo of cooking shows vs. blind dates.

Many more posts to come, with lots of photos - I promise!


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