Hi there!
It's been a busy week, I'm running up a storm (just hit 7k!) and am having fun exploring, strolling, jogging through new neighbourhoods near my home. London is so blessed with all its green space. Toronto has been beautiful, and I love it to pieces, but the parks there just can not compare to all of London's 'commons'.
A year or so ago, I took the 16 Personalities quiz and was categorised as ENFJ. It's a tool for the Myers Briggs personality assessment/structure theory. More recently, I've been chatting with new friends about personality types and though I would revisit the profile description. A lot of my ENFJ profile 'The Protagonist' rings true, some of it is less relevant to me, but all in all it's a fun/inspiring little exercise. As someone obsessed with personality quizzes, self-enlightenment, learning, and identifying with particular profiles, this one takes the cake for fun, interesting, constructive information. I also love the little people illustrations that exist for each personality type and description.
If you have some minutes in your day, or need a little break from the ho-hum of a rainy Tuesday afternoon at work, visit the site and prepare to be enlightened!
What personality type did you get? Were you surprised by the results?
(P.S. this is not an advertisement for 16 Personalities - I just love the premise so much and think anyone could get a kick out of it)
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