Monday, September 28, 2015

Millennial Cleaning Closet

Being a researcher can be strange.

With access to millions of data points, and a plethora of constant questions, my curiosity is a perfect fit. However, as I delve into numbers, samples, and trends, I'm increasingly seeing my behavior in the numbers, and identifying with the results more and more.

Case in point: Millennials. Cool group, huh? Their spending power, customer experience expectations and engagement with brands is off the charts. They are 'digital natives', 'frugal' and 'value experiences over things', and so on and so on. I don't know about you, but I am ripe with anticipation for the next generational obsession to take hold.

But, as I was recently digging into this sensational cohort, I found some interesting stats around the share and resale economy, and 20-something year old's participation in these sectors. For example, 44% of Millennials consider the resale value of large purchases. And since learning about this topic, I've noticed my behavior upholding the notions of frugality, reselling, only buying what I need, and so on.

Was I always like this, or have I become conditioned to behave a certain way based on what I'm reading about my generation? Could it be that my insane appetite for closet cleaning is really just getting the best of me? Maybe I read these stats in a time of my life where I'm already on the route to de-cluttering and reselling?

On that note - Happy Sunday!

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